FOSSE BOB (1927-1987)
R. Altman, La Comédie musicale, Armand Colin, Paris, 1992
K. Boyd Gribb, Razzle Dazzle : The Life and Works of Bob Fosse,St Martin's Press, 1989
J.-P. Coursodon & B. Tavernier,50 Ans de cinéma américain, Nathan, Paris, 1991
J. Cutcher, Bob Fosse, Rosen Central, 2005
F. Ebb, J. Kander & B. Fosse, Chicago, Samuel Franch Inc., 2005
M. Gottfried, The Life and Death of Bob Fosse,Da Capo Press, 2003
S. Green, Hollywood Musicals, Hal Leonard Publ. Corp., Milwaukee, 1990
A. Lacombe & C. Roche, De Broadway à Hollywood, Cinéma 80, Paris, 1980
A. Masson, La Comédie musicale, Stock, Paris, 1981
E. Mordden, Broadway Babies, The People who made the Americain Musical, Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 1983
Morris, Bob Fosse, Twayne Publ., 1997
R. Scheider & M. Beddow, Bob Fosse's Broadway, Heidemann Drama, 1996
M. Shurfel & B. Fosse, Audition, Walker and Co., 2003.
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- Noël SIMSOLO : cinéaste, historien de cinéma