WILSON EDMUND (1895-1972)
Article modifié le
Œuvres d'Edmund Wilson
I Thought of Daisy, New York, 1929 ; Axel's Castle, New York, 1931 ; The American Jitters : a Year of the Slump, New York, 1932 ; The Triple Thinkers, New York, 1938 ; The Wound and the Bow, Boston, 1941 ; Classics and Commercials : a Literary Chronicle of the Forties, New York, 1950 ; The Shores of Light : a Literary Chronicle of the Twenties and Thirties, New York, 1952 ; A Piece of My Mind : Reflections at Sixty, New York, 1956 ; The American Earthquake, New York, 1958 ; Patriotic Gore, New York, 1962 ; The Bit between My Teeth : a Literary Chronicle of 1960-1965, New York, 1965 ; Europe without Baedeker, New York 1966 ; Upstate, New York, 1972 ; La Gare de Finlande (To the Finland Station, 1940), trad. G. Camille, Paris, 1965 ; Mémoires du comté d'Hécate (Memoirs of Hecate County, 1942), trad. B. Versier, Paris, 1966 ; Edgar Allan Poe, Lettres modernes, Paris, 1969 ; Correspondance avec V. Naborov, Rivages, Paris, 1988.
W. Berthoff, Edmund Wilson, Minneapolis (Minn.), 1968
P. Sherman, Edmund Wilson, Urbana (Ill.), 1967.
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- André LE VOT : professeur honoraire à l'université de Paris-III-Sorbonne nouvelle
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