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C. Bunting, Essay on the Craft of Cello Playing, Cambridge Univ. Press, New York, 1982

M. Campbell, The Great Cellists, North Trafalgar Square Publishing, North Pomfret (Vermont), 1989

E. M. Ennulat, Arnold Schoenberg Correspondence : a Collection of Translated and Annotated Letters Exchanged with Guido Adler, Pablo Casals, Emanuel Feuermann, and Olin Downes, Scarecrow Press, Metuchen (N.J.), 1991

S. W. Itzkoff, Emanuel Feuermann, Virtuoso : a Biography, Univ. of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa (Alabama), 1979, 2e éd. Reimund-Maier-Verlag, Schweinfurt, 1995

J. Samuels, « A Complete Discography of the recordings of Emanuel Feuermann », in Journal of the Association for Recorded Sound Collections, vol. XII, no 1-3, pp. 33-77 et 196-239, 1980.

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