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POUND EZRA (1885-1972)

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Œuvres d'Ezra Pound

Poésie : Selected Poems, Londres, New York, 1949

The Cantos, Londres, 1954, rééd. 1964

Section Rock-Drill : 85-95 de los cantares, New York, 1956

Thrones : 96-109 de los cantares, New York, 1959

The Translations of Ezra Pound, H. Kenner éd., New York, 1954, rééd. 1964

Drafts and Fragments of Cantos CX-CXVII, New York, 1968.

Prose : Jefferson and/or Mussolini, Londres, 1935

Polite Essays, Londres, 1937, New York, 1939

The Letters of Ezra Pound, New York, 1950

Patria mia (écrit en 1912), Chicago, 1950, Londres, 1962

Guide to Kulchur, Londres-New York, 1938, rééd. 1952

A B C of Economics, Londres, 1933, rééd. 1953

Litterary Essays, New York, 1954

Gaudier-Brzeska. A Memoir, New York, 1916, rééd. 1960.

Traductions : Cantos et poèmes choisis, trad. R. Laubiès, Paris, 1959

Cantos pisans, trad. D. Roche, Paris, 1965

Textes choisis et présentés par D. de Roux, H. Beaujour et P. Allien, 2 vol., Paris, 1965 et 1966

A B C de la lecture (A B C of Reading, 1934), trad. D. Roche, 1966

Comment lire (How to Read, 1931), trad. V. Liona, Paris, 1966

L'Esprit des lettres romanes (The Spirit of Romance, 1910), trad. P. Allien, 1966

Lettres d'Ezra Pound à James Joyce, trad. P. Lavergne, Paris, 1970

Au cœur du travail poétique, trad. F. Saurey, L'Herne, Paris, 1980

Poèmes, trad. M. Pinson, G. Sartoris et A. Suied, Gallimard, Paris, 1985

Cantos, trad. J. Darras, Y. di Mano, P. Mikriammos, D. Roche, Paris, 1986.

Biographies et études

M. Alexander, The Poetic Achievement of Ezra Pound, Londres, 1979

M. Bacigalupo, The Formed Trace : the Latter Poetry of Ezra Pound, New York, 1979

W. Baumann, The Rose in the Steel Dust, Berne, 1967

I. F. Bell, Critic as Scientist : the Modernist Poetry of Ezra Pound, Methuen, 1981

M. A. Bernstein, The Tale of the Tribe : Ezra Pound and the Modern Verse Epic, Princeton Univ. Press, 1980

C. Brooke-Rose, A ZBC of Ezra Pound, Londres, 1971

R. Bush, The Genesis of Ezra Pound's Cantos, Princeton Univ. Press, 1976

W. M. Chace, The Political Identities of Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot, Stanford Univ. Press, 1973

J. Cornell, The Trial of Ezra Pound : a Documented Account of the Treason Case by the Defendant's Lawyer, New York, 1966

E. Davis, Vision Fugitive : Ezra Pound and Economics, Univ. Kansas Press, 1969

G. Dekker, Sailing after Knowledge, Londres, 1963

L. S. Dembo, The Confucian Odes of Ezra Pound, a Critical Appraisal, Berkeley, 1963

R. J. Dilligan et al., A Concordance to Ezra Pound's Cantos, Garland Pub., 1981

J. H. Edwards & W. V. Vasse, The Annotated Index to the Cantos I-LXXXIV, Berkeley, 1957

C. Emery, Ideas into Action, a Study of Pound's Cantos, Miami University Press, 1958

J. Espey, Ezra Pound's Mauberley. A Study in Composition, Berkeley, 1955

G. S. Fraser, Ezra Pound, Harlow, 1966

D. Gallup, Ezra Pound : a Bibliography, Univ. Press Virginia, 1983

K. L. Goodwin, The Influence of Ezra Pound, Londres, 1966

S. Hamilton, Ezra Pound and the Symbolist Inheritance, Princeton Univ. Press, 1992

W. Hamon, Time in Ezra Pound's Work, Chapel Hill, 1977

E. Hesse, New Approaches to Ezra Pound, Londres-Berkeley, 1969

C. D. Heymann, Ezra Pound, the Last Rower : a Political Profile, New York, 1976

E. Homberger dir., Ezra Pound : the Critical Heritage, Boston, 1972

P. Hutchins, Ezra Pound's Kensington, Londres, 1965

T. H. Jackson, The Early Poetry of Ezra Pound, Londres, 1969

H. Kenner, The Poetry of Ezra Pound, Londres, 1951 ; The Pound Era, Berkeley, 1971

G. Lane dir., A Concordance to Personae : the Shorter Poems of Ezra Pound, New York, 1972

L. Leary dir., Motive and Method in the Cantos of Ezra Pound, New York, 1954

S. Y. McDougal, Ezra Pound and the Troubadour Tradition, Princeton Univ. Press, 1972

E. C. Mullins, This Difficult Individual, Ezra Pound, New York, 1961

N. C. de Nagy, The Poetry of Ezra Pound : the Pre-Imagist Stage, Bâle, 1960 ; Ezra Pound's Poetics and Literary[...]

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Ezra Pound - crédits : David Lees/ Corbis/ VCG/ Getty Images

Ezra Pound

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