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FED (Federal Reserve System ou Système fédéral de réserve américain)


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K. Brunner & A. H. Meltzer, « The Federal Reserve's attachment to the free reserves concept », US Subcommittee on domestic finance, Committee on banking and currency, House of Representatives, 88th Congress, second session, May 7, Government Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1964

W. R. Burgess, The Reserve Banks and the money market, Harper, New York, édit. révisée, 1936 ; Les Banques fédérales de réserve et le marché monétaire de New York, trad. 1re édit., Giard, Paris, 1930

Commission on money and credit, The Federal Reserve and the Treasury, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs (N.J.), 1963

L. V. Chandler, Benjamin Strong, central banker, Brookings Institution, Washington D.C., 1958 ; American monetary policy 1928-1941, Harper, New York, 1971

R. W. Dimand, « Competing visions for U.S. monetary policy, 1907-1913 », in Cahiers d'économie politique, 45, pp. 101-121, automne 2003

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, History of the eighties. Lessons for the future, vol. 1 : An examination of the banking crises of the 1980s and early 1990s ; vol. 2 : Symposium proceedings, January 16, 1997, F.D.I.C., Washington D.C., 1997

I. Fisher, « A compensated dollar », in Quarterly journal of economics, 27, pp. 213-235, 385-397, 1913

M. Friedman & A. J. Schwartz, A monetary history of the United States, 1867-1960, Princeton University Press, Princeton (N.J.), 1963

General Accounting Office, Bank oversight structures ; US and foreign experience may offer lessons for modernizing US structure, GAO/GGD-97-23, Washington D.C., nov. 1996

E. A. Goldenweiser, Federal Reserve System in operation, McGraw Hill, New York, 1925

M. Goodfriend, « The phases of U.S. monetary policy : 1987 to 2001 », in Economic Quarterly, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, 88-4, Fall, 2002

R. L. Hetzel & R. F. Leach, « The Treasury-Fed Accord : a new narrative account », in Economic Quarterly, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Winter, 2001

H. Intrator, Le Système bancaire américain, P.U.F., Paris, 1996

D. Kinley, The Independent Treasury of the United States, National Monetary Commission, Government Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1910

R. W. Kopcke & L. E. Browne dir., The Evolution of monetary policy and the Federal Reserve System over the past thirty years, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, conference series no 45, 2000

S. J. Maisel, Managing the dollar, Norton, New York, 1973

T. Mayer, Monetary policy and the great inflation in the United States ; the Federal Reserve and the failure of macroeconomic policy, 1965-1979, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 1999

R. T. McCulley, Banks and politics during the Progressive Era : the origins of the Federal Reserve System, 1897-1913, Garland, New York, 1992

P. Meek, US Monetary Policy and Financial Markets, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York, 1982

A. J. Meigs, Free Reserves and the Money Supply, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1962

A. H. Meltzer, A history of the Federal Reserve, vol. 1 : 1913-1951, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2003

o.c.d.e., La Politique monétaire aux États-Unis, Paris, 1974

W. W. Riefler, Money Rates and Money Markets in the United States, Harper, New York, 1930

O. M. W. Sprague, History of crises under the National Banking System, National Monetary Commission, Government Printing Office, Washington D.C., 1910

R. H. Timberlake, Monetary Policy in the United States ; an Intellectual and Institutional History, Chicago University Press, Chicago, 1993

R. C. West, Banking Reform and the Federal Reserve, 1863-1923, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, 1977

D. C. Wheelock, The Strategy and Consistency of Federal Reserve[...]

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  • : professeur de sciences économiques à l'université de Bordeaux-IV-Montesquieu, directeur du Groupe de recherche en analyse et politique économiques, unité mixte du C.N.R.S. 5113



Alan Greenspan - crédits : Chris Maddaloni/ Roll Call/ CQ-Roll Call, Inc./ Getty Images

Alan Greenspan

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