O'FLAHERTY LIAM (1896-1984)
Article modifié le
Œuvres de Liam O'Flaherty
Fiction : The Neighbour's Wife, 1923 ; Spring Sowing, 1924 ; The Black Soul, 1924 ; The Informer, 1925 ; Mr. Gilhooley, 1926 ; The Tent and Other Stories, 1926 ; The Fairy Goose and Two Other Stories, 1927 ; Red Barbara and Other Stories, 1928 ; The Assassin, 1928 ; The House of Gold, 1929 ; Return of the Brute, 1929 ; The Mountain Tavern and Other Stories, 1929 ; The Ecstasy of Angus, 1931 ; The Puritan, 1931 ; Skerrett, 1932 ; The Wild Swan and Other Stories, 1932 ; The Martyr, 1933 ; Hollywood Cemetery, 1935 ; Famine, 1937 ; The Short Stories, 1937 ; Land, 1946 ; Two Lovely Beasts and Other Stories, 1948 ; Insurrection, 1950 ; Duil, 1953 ; The Stories, 1956 ; Selected Stories, 1958 ; The Wounded Cormorant and Other Stories, 1973 ; The Pedlar's Revenge and Other Stories, 1976 ; The Wilderness, 1978.
Pièce de théâtre : Darkness, 1926.
Scénarios : The Devil's Playground, 1937 ; Last Desire, 1939 ; Jacqueline, 1956. Autres œuvres : The Life of Tim Healy, 1927 ; A Tourist's Guide to Ireland, 1929 ; Two Years, 1930 ; Joseph Conrad : An Appreciation, 1930 ; I Went to Russia, 1931 ; A Cure for Unemployment, 1931 ; Shame the Devil, 1934.
Études critiques
P. A. Doyle, Liam O'Flaherty, 1971
A. A. Kelly, Liam O'Flaherty : The Storyteller, 1977
J. H. O'Brien, Liam O'Flaherty, 1973
P. F. Sheeran, The Novels of Liam O'Flaherty : A Study in Romantic Realism, 1976
J. Zneimer, The Literary Vision of Liam O'Flaherty, 1970.
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Écrit par
- Michael SCOTT : historien de la littérature
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