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TANG YIN[T'ANG YIN](1470-1523) ET QIU YING[K'IEOU YING](1510 env.-1551)


Chiang Chao-shen, « T'ang Yin's Poetry, Painting and Calligraphy in the Light of Critical Biographical Events », in Murck & Fong Wen dir., Words and Images, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, pp. 459-486, New York, 1991

A. D. Clapp, The Painting of T'ang Yin, Chicago Univ. Press, 1991

E. J. Laing, « Sixteenth Century Patterns of Art Patronage : Qiu Ying and the Xiang Family », in Journal of the American Oriental Society, vol. CXI, pp. 1-7, 1991

S. Little, « The Demon Queller and the Art of Qiu Ying », in Artibus Asiae, no 46, p. 5-128, 1985.

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<em>L’Éveil du dragon au printemps</em>, Qiu Ying - crédits : Chih Lo Lou Collection/ Hong Kong Museum of Art

L’Éveil du dragon au printemps, Qiu Ying